: +91 03218358262
: raidighicollege95@gmail.com

Raidighi College

ESTD: 1995
Affiliated to University of Calcutta
P.O + P.S:- Raidighi, Dist:- 24 Paraganas (South) Pin-743383, West Bengal

College Events

  1. National Science Day Workshop on Cyber Security 28-02-2025
  2. Workshop on Internship with Belur Vidyamandira 24-02-2025
  3. International Mother Language Day 21-02-2025
  5. Annual Sports Competition 06-01-2025
  6. Road Safety Awareness Program 01-02-2025
  7. National Mathematics Day 23-12-2024
  8. National Youth Day & Thalasemia Awareness Program 20-12-2024
  9. Annual Cultural Program 19&20-12-2024
  10. Career Counselling Program 18-12-2024
  11. Geography Field Visit 12-12-2024
  12. Sexual Harassment Seminar 09-12-2024
  13. AIDS Awareness Program 6-12-2024
  14. AJC Bose Memorial Lecture 29-11-2024
  15. World Philosophy Day 21-11-2024
  16. GirlsKabaddiRunner-Up-16-10-2024
  17. Career Counseling Workshop 01-10-2024
  18. Farewell Ceremony 30-09-2024
  19. Capacity Building Program 27-09-2024
  20. SeminarResearch Methodology25-09-2024
  21. Innovative Program by the Botany Department 23-09-202
  22. Biodiversity Board Program 18-09-2024
  23. Project Evaluation 14-15-09-2024
  24. Annual Prize Distribution - 12-09-2024
  25. Advanced Level Training -12-09-2024
  26. Guru Pronam-5-09-2024
  27. Gender Equality Program- 29-08-2024
  28. Kanyashree Day-14-08-2024
  29. Librarians Day - 12-08-2024
  30. Orientation-Induction Program-07-08-2024
  31. Field Visit to Purbo GurGuria-27-07-2024
  32. Anti-Tobacco Awareness-02-07-2024
  33. International Yoga Day (21-06-2024)
  34. International Environment Day (15-06-2024)
  35. International Day of Biodiversity 22-05-2024
  36. Ceremonial Publication Anusandhitsa 19-05-2024
  37. Felicitation and Presentation of THK Jain College (17-05-2024)
  38. Minority Welfare Cell Magazine - Talash (16-05-2024)
  39. Felicitation of Meritorious Students (16-05-2024)
  40. Non-Alcoholic Probiotic drink Kanji and Its impact (06-04-2024)
  41. International Conference on Microbiology (06-04-2024)
  42. Awareness Campaign on E-Waste Management (27-03-2024)
  43. Green Architects Career Fair and Hulladek Honor (15-03-2024)
  44. International Women's Day (14-03-2024)
  45. Faculty Exchange Programme: Department of Botany (06-03-2024)
  46. International Mother Language Day (04-03-2024)
  47. National Science Day (28/02/2024)
  48. Installation and Demonstration of Bee Box (22-02-2024)
  49. International Mother Language Day (21/2/2024)
  50. Faculty Exchange Programme: Department of Mathematics (21-02-2024)
  51. World WetLand Day (2/2/2024)
  52. National Voter Day (25/01/2024)
  53. Caste Sensitization Program (22-01-2024)
  54. Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (19/01/2024)
  55. Faculty Exchange Program Physics 17-01-2024
  56. Faculty Exchange Program in Bengali Dpt 13-01-24
  57. Student Credit Card Awareness 2-1-24
  58. Kabaddi-2023
  59. Nabinbaran
  60. Srijoni 6-1-2023
  61. Micro Bio Wall Magazine
  62. Community Awareness Bio Fuel
  63. Student Credit Card
  64. Annual Sports
  65. Minority Rights Day 22-12-23
  66. Industrial visit to Dubar (20-12-2023)
  67. Industrial Visit 20-12
  68. Wall Magazine Chemistry
  69. Wall Magazine Maths 22-12
  70. City College Seminar MoU Activity - 19-12-2023
  71. Sunderban Diwas 11-12
  72. Research Incubation History Department 8-12
  73. RKMEdu Visit 2-12
  74. Seminar on Research Methodology 5-12
  75. National Pollution Control Day 2-12
  76. JC Bose Seminar Wall Magazine by Botany 30-11
  77. JC Bose Memorial Lecture 30-11
  78. National Constitution Day 28-11
  79. National Constitution Day 28-11 (1)
  80. Another International Day of Girl Child 16-10-23
  81. Anti microbial Awareness 24-11
  82. National Education Day 11-11
  83. State Level Webinar on Childhood Cancer 10-11
  84. CU Inter College Kabaddi Competetion-24-09
  85. National Nutrition Week-15-9
  86. World Ozone Day-13&16-09
  87. Nation Sports Day-29-08
  88. khela Hobe Championship 16-08
  89. College Ranked third and Awarded on Implementing Kanyashree Project 16-08
  90. New Student Orientation-1-8
  91. International Day of Forest21-03
  92. Foundation Day Celebration 16-5
  93. FEP Bhangar College 17-06-2023
  94. Yoga Day Celebration 21-6
  95. Work shop on Non Teaching Staff 26-05
  96. State-Level Seminar with Metiaburj College - 14-06-2023
  97. Plantation on World Environment Day 5-06
  98. Student Out reach on World Environemntal Day 5-6
  99. World Health Day 11-04
  100. World Water Day 22-3
  101. E-Magazine on International Women's Day
  102. National Science Day 28-2
  103. Geography Student Out reach at Jadavpur University 15-02
  104. Alumni AGM 20-12-22
  105. Raidighi B.Ed. College Gallery Inauguration by Dr. Alok Jaldata, MLA, Raidighi [01.02.23]
  106. Presentation of Wall Magazine (2022-23): by the Department of Botany, Raidighi College [30.01.23]
  107. Annual Sports 2022-2023 [11.01.23]
  108. The Visit as a preparatory step towards foundation of the Centre for Sundarban studies at Raidighi College [25.01.23] Organised by Department of History
  109. International Year of Millets (IYM 2023) [09.01.23] organised by Department of Food & Nutrition
  110. Vivek Yapan, 2023 [09.01.23] Organised by NSS, Raidighi College
  111. Plastic Waste Cleaning Program/ Plastic-free Campaign [7.01.23] organised by NSS, Raidighi College
  112. Students' Week / Awareness on Students Welfare Scheme [04.01.23]
  113. National Mathematics Day (22.12.22) Observance of 135th Birthday of Srinivasa Ramanujan Organised by Department of Mathematics
  114. Minority Rights Day, 2022 [20.12.22] Organised by Minority Welfare Cell & IQAC
  115. Pre-NAAC Orientation Program & Commencement of three Certificate Courses for Career Advancement, Intellectual growth & Personality development [1.12.22]
  116. National Constitution Day, 2022 [26.11.22] Organised by IQAC
  117. World COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) day [24.11.22] Organised by NSS
  118. No Tobacco Campaign [24.11.22] Organised by: NSS, Raidighi College & Student welfare and Services SubCommittee in collaboration with Raidighi Rural Hospita
  119. Seminar To Observe The Birthday Of Shakuntala Devi [23.11.22] by the Department of Mathematics
  120. Celebration of 147th Birth Anniversary of Freedom Fighter Birsa Munda [18.11.22] Organised by IQAC, SC/ST Cell
  121. National Education Day [11.11.22] Organised by Department of History
  122. Awareness Program on Student Credit Card Scheme as promoted by Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal [27.09.22]
  123. One Day Virtual Workshop on Geography CBCS Syllabus on 26.10.22
  124. World Heart Day, 2022 [29.09.22] Organised by Department of Food & Nutrition
  125. AJC Bose Memorial Lecture [26.9.22] Organised by Department of Physics & IQAC
  126. NSS Day [24.09.22]
  127. Microbiology Literacy and Outreach Program, Phase I as part of Nationwide Microbiology Literacy Mission in Schools [22.09.22]
  128. Orientation Programme for Sem.1 Session 22-23 [19.09.22] Organised by: Academic Council
  129. Peer Visit to Library of Raidighi College for upgradation [16.9.22]
  130. National Nutrition Month, 2022 [09.09.22] Organised by the Department of Food & Nutrition
  131. National Sports Day [29.08.22] Organised by: Sports Sub-Committee
  132. International Day of Yoga [21.06.22] Organised by Department of Physical Education


  1. Fermented Food Festival on 21/04/2022 by Department of Microbiology
  2. Community Awareness Program: Health, hygiene and diet counseling on 07/04/2022 by Department of Food and Nutrition
  3. WORLD HEALTH DAY on 07/04/2022 by Department of Microbiology
  4. ONLINE STUDENT QUIZ COMPETITION to observe WORLD TB DAY on 24/03/22 Department of Microbiology
  5. International Women's Day on 08/03/22 by Women’s Cell
  6. ONLINE STUDENT QUIZ COMPETITION to observe NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY 28/02/22 by Department of Microbiology
  7. International Day of Women and Girls in Science (offline mode) on 11/02/22 by Department of Food and Nutrition, IQAC, Women's Cell
  8. Wetlands are not wastelands - Lessons learnt from the East Kolkata Wetlands on 02/02/22 by Department of Geography
  9. Foundation Day of Calcutta University & National Girl Child Day 24/01/22 by Women Cell in collaboration with IQAC
  10. Cytogenetics, in vitro Culture and Phytochemistry of Plants and Microbes for Sustainable Use 22 & 23/01/22 by Visva-Bharati & Raidighi College (Department Of Botany)
  11. Day 2- Observance of Students Week ( 2022) Parent-Teacher -Meeting on 2/01/22 by Students Welfare and Services Committee
  12. Parent Teacher Meeting ( PTM) - Online Interactive session on 2/01/22 by Department of Food & Nutrition
  13. Observance of Students Week ( 1-7th Jan 2022) by Students Welfare and Services Committee
  14. Minority Rights Day on 23/12/21 by Minority Welfare Cell and IQAC
  15. National Mathematics Day, 2021 on 22/12/21 by Department of Mathematics
  16. Students Credit Card Awareness Program- Govt. Directive 20-27/12/21 by Students Welfare and Services Committee in collaboration with SCC nodal officer ( Dr S. Ghorai)
  17. Sir A. J. C. Bose Memorial Lecture-2021 16/12/21 by Department of Geography & IQAC
  18. Wall Magazine - workshop: Fight against Malnutrition on 9/12/21 by Department of Food and Nutrition
  19. Cyber Awareness Day - Observance ( online+ offline mode) on 1/12/21 by Department of Food and Nutrition
  20. Day Observance- Cyber Awareness Day 1/12/21 by Faculty members of Department of Chemistry
  21. CYBER AWARENESS DAY on 1/12/21 by Department of Microbiology
  22. Awareness on COVID Safety Measures for students and staff members of College on 17/11/21 by Students Welfare and Services Committee
  23. National Education Day,Nov.11,2021 on 11/11/21 by Department of History & IQAC
  24. "MANAV Scientific Reading and Comprehension Self-Assessment Module (for students)” Nov-Dec by Dr. Arunima Biswas
  25. Antimicrobial Awareness Week on 18-24/11/21 by Department of Microbiology
  26. World Science Day for Peace and Development Event Theme: Building Climate-Ready Communities. Slogan Topic: Climate Solutions through Science, Technology & Innovation. On 10/11/21 by Department of Microbiology and IQAC
  27. World Mental health day observance ( Webinar) on 10/10/21 by Students Welfare and Services Committee
  28. Celebration of International Day of The Girl Child’ 2021, Theme: “Digital Generation. Our Generation” on 7/10/21 by Women Cell collaboration with IQAC
  29. Vaccination Drive Awareness ( COVID) on 04/10/21 by Students Welfare and Services Committee
  30. National Panchayati Raj Day & International Day of Democracy on 3/10/21 by IQAC/Department of Political Science
  31. National Level Webinar on Career Prospects in Microbiology on 2/10/21 by Department of Microbiology, Placement and Career Counseling Committee & IQAC of Raidighi College in collaboration with Department of Microbiology & IQAC of Sammilani Mahavidyalaya
  32. Observance of Gandhi Jayanti, International Day of Non-Violence and 117th Birth anniversary of Sri Lal Bahadur Sashtri - Special Homage Session during first half of National Level Webinar on ‘Career Prospects in Microbiology’ on 2nd October 2021 by Dept. of Microbiology and IQAC of Raidighi College and Sammilani Mahavidyalaya
  33. Orientation Program - online for Sem 1 ( H & G) students on 1/10/21 by Department of Food and Nutrition
  34. World Heart Day - Observance ( online) 0n 29/09/21 by Department of Food and Nutrition
  35. Enrollment for Voter Card ( Students turning 18 ) before 1st January,2022- A Govt. Directive - executed by Committee on 28/09/21 by Students Welfare and Services Committee
  36. National Level Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights: Awareness, Academics & Applications on 25/09/21 by Department of Microbiology & IQAC of Raidighi College & Department of Microbiology & IQAC of Sammilani Mahavidyalaya
  37. Observance of International Microorganisms’ Day through extension activity - preparation of a short video on ‘A few beneficial aspects of microbes’ to promote awareness in community on how microbes help sustain life in our planet. On 17/09/21 by All faculty members and members of MSI student unit of Dept. of Microbiology, Raidighi College
  38. International Day for Preservation of Ozone layer on 16/09/21 by Department Of Botany
  39. National Nutrition Month Observance on 6/9/21 by Department of Food and Nutrition
  40. Teachers day celebration - Virtual mode on 5/9/21 by Department of Food and Nutrition
  41. Sir J.C Bose Annual Memorial Lecture, Department of Botany and Physics on 19/7/21 by Department Of Botany & Department of Physics
  42. World Food Safety Day- Observance ( online) 7/6/21 by Department of Food and Nutrition
  43. Day Observance - World Environment Day on 5/6/21 by Faculty members and students of Department of Chemistry
  44. World Environment Day on 5/6/21 by Department Of Botany
  45. 75 Years of Partition - A Remembrance - Jointly Organized by Bengali Departments of Sushil Kar College and Raidighi College
  46. ZOODRIVE, 2022,e-Magazine, Raidighi College
  47. ZOODRIVE , 2021,e-Magazine , Raidighi College
  48. NSS Covid Awareness & Mask Distribution Program - 14th June, 2021
  49. Department of Geography celebrates World Environment Day-5th June,2021
  50. Social Message of Prof. Malay Mukhopadhyay on World Environment Day
  51. Community Outreach Programme by the Geography Department on World Environment Day
  52. World No Tobacco Day-31st May, 2021 by NSS
  54. 27th Foundation Day of Raidighi College, 16 th May, 2021
  55. Rabindra Janmo Jayanti-9th May, 2021, by Department of English
  56. NATIONAL WEBINAR on WORLD IMMUNIZATION WEEK, 2021_Dept of Microbiology, Raidighi College & MSI 27 th April, 2021
  57. International Mother Earth Day 22 nd April, 2021 by Geography Department
  58. English Language Day-23rd april, 2021 by Department of English
  59. Inauguration of College Magazine, 15 th April, 2021
  60. International Women's Day, 8 th March, 2021
  61. NAAC supported National level webinar on NAAC Preparation 27 th Jan, 2021
  62. 125 th Birth Anniversery of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, 23 rd Jan, 2021
  63. National Girl Child Day, 24 th Jan, 2021
  64. Youth Day Celebration by NSS, 12 th Jan, 2021
  65. State Level Webinar on Promotion & Service Rules by IQAC 22 nd Nov., 2020
  66. 5th International Webinar organised by the Department of History, 8 th Nov, 2020
  67. 4th International Webinar organised by the Department of History, 1 st Nov, 2020
  68. 3rd International Webinar organised by the Department of History, 18 th Oct, 2020
  69. 2nd International Webinar organised by the Department of History, 11 th Oct, 2020
  70. One Day State Level Webinar on '200th Birth Anniversary of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar', 10 th Oct, 2020
  71. Department of Geography presents 7th State Level Webinar on Geography in the Contemporary World, 10 th Oct, 2020
  72. Department of Geography presents 6th webinar of the State Level Webinar Series on Geography, 7 th Oct, 2020
  73. Department of Geography presents 5th State Level Webinar on Geography in the Contemporary World, 10 th Oct, 2020
  74. Department of Geography presents 4th Webinar on Geography in the Contemporary World, 10 th Oct, 2020
  75. Department of Geography presents 3rd webinar of the State Level Webinar Series on Geography, 7 th Oct, 2020
  76. International Day of Democracy by NSS, 5 th Oct, 2020
  77. Inernational Suicide Prevention Day -2020 by NSS, 5 th Oct., 2020
  78. (1 st ) International Webinar Series organised by the Department of History, 4 th Oct, 2020
  79. International Webinar on Emerging Trends in Science and Technology emphasizing on Atomistic Simulations Organised by Department of Physics, 20 th Sept, 2020
  80. Department of Geography presents 2nd State Level Webinar in Geography Dated 12th September, 2020
  81. Department of Geography presents 1st Webinar of State Level Webinar Series in Geography, 12 th Sept, 2020
  82. Boost immunity from Proximity by Department of Botany, 7 th Sept, 2020
  83. Immunonutrition and its role to fight Covid19, by the Department of Food & Nutrition, 2 nd June, 2020
  84. 200th Birth Anniversary of Florence Nightingale by the Department of Food & Nutrition, 7 th Sept., 2020
  85. Public Library Day - 31st August, 2020
  86. National Sports Day 29 th Aug., 2020
  87. 4th lecture of the Webinar Series (Sustainable Living) organized by the Department of Food & Nutrition and Department of Chemistry on 22.08.2020
  88. May the glory of Independence be with us forever - A tribute by the Department of Food & Nutrition, 14 th Aug, 2020
  89. Addressing Mental Health of Students Amidst Current Hazardous Situation: An Integrative Approach, 19 th July, 2020
  90. Dietary Guidelines and Food Safety in post COVID Scenario, 3 rd July, 2020
  91. The Magical Mangroves: Biodiversity and Challenges 30 th June, 2020
  92. The Shield of Tilottama - by Dept. of Chemistry, 8 th June, 2020
  93. Alert Messege from Principal, 20 th May, 2020
  94. Poem, Recitation, and Tagore by Prof. Suvankar Ghosh Roy Chowdhury, 16 th May, 2020
  95. Celebrating 25 th Year, 16 th May, 2020
  96. An initiative by the students of Dept. of Mathematics in this lockdown period, 14 th May, 2020
  97. 07.04.2020 : WORLD HEALTH DAY 2020

Yoga Day Celebration - 2019

Diabetes Day 14 Nov 2019

Heart Day 29 Sept 2019

Hospital Internship 7Nov 2019

No-Plastic-27Sep 2019

Nutrition Day 13Sept 2019

Save Water 12Sept 2019

Computational Laboratory 8 March 2019

Health Hygiene 23 April 2019

NSS Special Camp 25-28 March 2019

Womens Day 8 March 2019

Yoga Day 21 June 2018

Ichche Dana 2017

Special Lecture 2017

Womens Day 8 March 2018

NSS 2017

Rabindra Jayanti 2017

Seminar of Food Nutrition


Our college, established in 1995, has emerged as one of the most promising educational institutions in the district, as well as in the state. This college is affiliated to the University of Calcutta.
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